Leigh, The Idiot

After an excruciating process of thought that will probably end up with every member of the Stark family with an iPhone except my Mum, I told my Dad to go and get me one.

Currently, an iPhone is available the ridiculous price of around 700 bucks for the 8gb version, while the translation of 399 equals roughly 420-odd dollars with the current exchange rate.

I would normally say that I should wait for the 3G version. In fact, I'm not even sure if I'll like the iPhone to be honest. But it's the problem of having a Dad with one and having a brother with one… and being a gadget guy… I'll probably just go completely nuts not having one. 

Plus the 3G one has its own share of issues.

One, it'll probably cost a bundle over here. Like everything else, actually.

Two, I don't actually use 3G. I use prepaid which currently sits me on the 2.5G network of GSM. I don't care about 3G. I don't want to make video calls or watch interactive TV. I couldn't give a shit about seeing the latest in interactive horoscopes and shudder to think that I would ever be someone who needs 3G. I use a phone to occasionally make phone calls, often receive phone calls, send a lot of messages, and occasionally listen to music… which brings me to point three…

Three, I don't have an iPod, an mp3 player, or any music device. I have previously considered buying an iPod Nano 8GB which costs 249 AU. I like the Nano and its size… but I don't think I'd use it as much and the size of the screen looks like it might bug me, though I do like the scroll wheel. And yet if I'm going to get an iPod Nano, why bother over details and worry about paying an extra 180 or so to get a good phone with it.

My current phone is the Nokia 6110 Navigator that I got for free from the job. While I reviewed it well, I don't use the GPS because I don't drive. And even if I did, I'd be lucky for it to work. Less than a year on, good luck getting the GPS in a phone to work in a timely fashion (timely being some time in the hour you turned it on).

My 6110 has issues. The battery is only good for around 3 hours of talk time and lately needs to be charged every day or two. I'm lucky if the phone doesn't need a restart once a day because of drop-outs. And the music software is so, so evil.

So while I'd normally air on the side of caution and wait for the 3G version, worst case scenario is if I ever need to upgrade my phone, I'll just sell this one.

And I never need to upgrade my phone.

Plus this will stop me from salivating over iPhones when I see people on the train with them… 

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