Lii Fit: Day 1 – An introduction & Step Basics

I have made attempts in the past to lose weight. I have tried all manner of things… some even worked.

Billy Blanks' video workouts worked… until I got bored of memorising his script and repeating it as he spoke. 

Yourself Fitness never worked… because it got boring quickly. Agg… multiple choice answers with predictable technology underneath? Pfft! Come on!

Gamercize wasn't bad… but geeze, I could see me not liking video games for much longer if I were forced to stand on a step machine and play Guitar Hero.

So now I'm trying Wii Fit and while I've played it a few times for CyberShack TV and at the Nintendo launch for it back in March at the MCA, I've never played it like I'm going to now.

There are reviews of Wii Fit already on the web, but most are done in the style of Wii Fit as game… not Wii Fit as a tool in the process of helping you to lose weight. So that's what I'm going to do.

For the next two weeks, I shall attempt to play Wii Fit for a minimum of 40 minutes to 1 hour a day in the hopes of losing 3 kilos over two weeks. I've done 5 in one week before and that was with the high impact workouts of Billy Blanks' Tae Bo. This is a fair amount less impact based.

But to make sure I'm doing it and to let you see how it's affecting me, I'm going to take you along for the… err… ride… which probably isn't a good word to describe it.

You're coming along for the "experience". (Yeah… that'll do.)

I now present to you…

Lii Fit!

And now here with the first (well, second actually if you include the little preview test I did on Facebook) is… me!!!

Step Basics

Time In Wii Fit: 1:01

Wii Fit Age: 29
Real Age: 24
Comment: I did try it again later on and got 24… but assume 29 is correct.

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