Easter 2009: Mario, Portal, Tetris, and an oldie!

Last year I painted some cubes for the office so people could enjoy Easter the way I thought they should… with free chocolate.

Seriously, I'm a Jew. I couldn't give a damn about all that Bible crap. I care about the chocolate, the cocoa, white chocolate, truffles, praline, and little bits of aluminium foil that wrap it up.

I also care about showing how much I care so this year I took my cubes one step forward. 

Friends in tech journalism got a taste of what's above while family got what's below.

Step inside to see that chaos & anarchy that only Easter and paint can provide…

I won't talk a whole lot about what I've done, sufficed to say that I've gone and done a bit of a "redo" from last year as well as a bunch new ones. And if you want to see any of the images bigger, make sure to click!

It's almost as if my boxes come in "editions". This year, I've recreated last year's Mario Gold Coin & Portal Compation Cube boxes. 

But I also took it one step forward by creating basically a "2009 Only" Xbox original box… which I'm naming the "Ex-Box" considering that no one gives a damn about the old Xbox anymore. In fact, one of the people I gave one to yesterday commented that you could probably fit all the Xbox technology in there now.

Well, probably not.:P

So this is how they're made. I have a bathtub which I now need to clean thoroughly, and I take all of the boxes…

…put them in, and paint them one by one.

Boxes like the Companion Cube require different layers and are, as a result, the hardest to paint. 

Which explains why my hearts look wonky.

The Mario box looks ok…

…but the Xbox – ahem "Ex-Box – looks freakin' fantastic

Then there was the hard project.

You see, I can't just give family something small like this. That's hardly my style.

So I concocted early on the idea of making Tetris boxes, or rather boxes shaped like Tetris pieces. For instance, here's a few in prototype…

…these basically are the result of a ton of hard box cutting and cardboard folding. And then you get tape… lots of tape… which actually isn't a good solution because the paint hates the tape.

But in the end it all comes out, as you can see below…

And all together…

Voila. One month of work for my family & friends. If you got one, it means you know I'm a friend.:)

Now for the worst part… I already know what my "2010 edition" will be… :P

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