The Weekend In Review

The weekend I had last was a good one. I could talk about it, but then I'd only be giving you exactly what you wanted. Unless of course you didn't want it, which would mean you should read on. It's forced literary indulging. Or something. Like I have a clue.

Friday night I saw Juliet.

Juliet is becoming a very close friend and we saw The Kingdom together. The Kingdom is very good. Gritty, well directed, incredibly well edited. The acting, story, and everything about it is superb.

And throughout the movie I got my very first massage. Juliet needed a massage so I tried to give her one. We were on one of the lower seats in the front with the wall behind us so we weren't bothering anyone and I gave her one. She in turn gave me one. I've never had a massage before this. Sooo relaxing.

But then I guess that's the point.

Saturday saw me seeing Asha who has just returned from living in not-Sydney. By "not-Sydney" I mean that I don't actually have a clue where it was, only that it's "not in Sydney" and that it was somewhere up the coast and obviously wasn't in Sydney.

So Asha's back and we met up for coffee and conversation in Newtown. And it just so happened that we had a nice affair with Ricotta Hotcakes with maple syrups and blueberries plus raspberry pulp while we were eating at a nice cafe near the Station. Scrump-diddly-umptious. I wonder if I've just given The Whitlams new song writing material…

Anyway, we walked around and I even bought stuff. I actually even fulfilled something I've been looking for for ages.

Are you ready?


Ever since Mrs. McFadden picked up on my imaginative mind in Modern History at Vaucluse High and told me that I need to read Len Deighton's SSGB, I've searched for it. Short of buying it off of Amazon for probably way too much money plus shipping & handling, I've found that no book stores have had it. Not Borders, Angus, Dymocks, or any of the random singular ones I've walked into. None of the used bookstores or markets I'd been to had a copy. It seemed as though no one sold this one and if people actually owned the book, they weren't about to sell it.

And yet I'd never checked out Gould's before.

So, five bucks later… I'm now an owner of the book I've been looking for for ages… SS-GB.

And I'll start reading it… eventually.

Asha & I also checked out a record store in Newtown near the station that totally rocks. I got a Mel Torme Live album for 10 bucks. Ten bucks people for a release that'll never come to compact disc or mp3 and features something that definitely caught my eye…

In case you can't actually read that, that would be Mr. Torme doing Stevie Wonder's "Superstition". And before you ask, no I haven't listened to it yet. I'll be doing that shortly, I expect.

Later on in the afternoon, we were walking by a clothing store advertising 50% off men's jeans. Cool. I need new jeans and rather than spending 110 bucks on a pair of Levi Whites, Asha can be my critic and tell me what looks good on me… since I haven't got a bloody clue.

While I'll leave the specifics to another blog later on this week (and what a blog that one's going to be…), I can tell you that I came away with two pairs of pants.

These must be like the "factory rejects" except for designers. Like a "designer reject" I imagine. They're supposed to say "Playback" apparently. Not "Plalback". 

Anyway, more on these later. You wouldn't believe how funny these jeans are. Comfy but also funny.

Shortly after, I said my goodbyes to Asha and headed home for I was to jam that night.

Yes ma'am, we had rehearsal that night and suffice to say I can happily inform you that we even got stuff done. And recorded. And you can't listen to it. So there.

I have more to tell, but exhaustion is keeping me from giving you the answers you seek.

Or some of them anyway.

The fashionista blog is coming up. 


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