Work is…

So far, the new job at Cybershack is pretty good. I am finding it a bit annoying to have to constrain the amount of words I'd normally write in a review with around 500 to 800 or so being allowed.

This is really easy to do for the crap games, but it's not so easy for the brilliant games.

Today I reviewed Forza Motorsport 2 (the review will be online tomorrow as I still have a paragraph or two to finish). Now, Forza 2 is a brilliant game, but how do you limit yourself from talking about brilliance?! It ain't easy, I tell you what.

Anyway, for people that don't head to Cybershack and are still interested in my gaming reviews, here they are for the past 5 days (since I've only been working for 5 days total):

Review: Pokemon Diamond
Preview: Jam Sessions DS
Review: Brothers In Arms DS
Review: Colin McRae DIRT
Review: Overlord

To tell you the truth, I actually look more forward to the aspect of writing as opposed to playing the games, though both parts are pretty nifty.

With the writing in mind, Chimp may be a month late like last time since I now only have my weekends, though I'll probably use the time on the train to plan parts of it as I'm doing that with my animation. 

Posted in Games, Reviews
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