Random pointy things!

Have you noticed how much I like the word “random”?

It’s just one of those random words that can randomly make sense and not make sense at the time. It can usually perfectly describe my mood at any given point in time. Random is like that.

So to celebrate the usefulness of the word “random”, here are some more random tidbits of crap throughout the world recently with my commentary tagged alongside it:

[url=http://torrentfreak.com/meet-eztv-the-leading-tv-torrent-distribution-group/]There’s a nifty little interview with the group behind EzTVEfNet.org[/url], the place responsible for making most Aussies who are sick of being left behind in the television-dust happy. Seriously, there needs to be more of an active role played by TV stations in this country to realise that the amount of time they force their “customers” to wait for various series effects them only in that people will turn to the next closest viable medium. I’ve been saying this for ages. The TV world needs to wake up, especially in Australia where most of the shows that draw downloads either either canceled, not-airing indefinitely, or just ridiculously far behind.

Ever wanted something like a [url=http://www.vrealities.com/P5.html]P5 Glove[/url]? I have. Well, now there’s one step better. [url=http://www.novint.com/novintfalcon.htm]This cool device[/url] (which ships soon and if you really, really like me, you’ll get me one!) makes the VR gloves seem like a device for infants. It looks like it’ll have some very cool uses in both games and 3d modeling (provided the software doesn’t completely and utterly blow for it).

Like porn? Let’s face it, who the fuck doesn’t. And who doesn’t need more. Aside for me. Which is unlikely to stop me anyway. Well, I accidentally [url=http://joespornstash.upblogger.com/]found this site[/url]. Good for quick fixes. Or quick fucks. Not the drink-kind, either.

[url=http://www.smh.com.au/news/laptops–desktops/flash-memory-for-apple-notebooks/2007/03/09/1173166959089.html]Apple are making another stupid decision.[/url] Okay, sure, so flash memory is an eventuality and will take over hard disks (more than likely) as the choice of most laptops. That said, Apple already suffer enough problems with bad memory used in their iPod’s among other things. Flash memory has the problem and flaw of when the data is lost, it’s permanently lost, unlike hard disks which won’t remove the data until it’s been re-written over it again. So, with Apple’s being really brilliant engineered (insert sarcasm here), how long until Apple’s support centre is inundated with calls asking “why has everything I’ve stored on my computer suddenly disappeared” followed by cries of anger as they learn no, you won’t be able to get any of that back.

And now for the really random bits:
An old article I accidentally dug up on a possible future issue has [url=http://blog.wired.com/gadgets/2006/12/british_govt_re.html]a really cool image of the old Cylons[/url] out of work, a [url=http://www.smh.com.au/news/world/rottweiler-adopted-by-cat/2007/02/16/1171405404939.html]Rottweiler has been adopted by a cat[/url], someone has taken their experience with Windows Vista and [url=http://chalain.livejournal.com/43015.html]turned it into a funny little story[/url], Penny Arcade has a cute comic on [url=http://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2007/03/02]the joys of using Sony’s online PS3 store[/url], little strange people are [url=http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/50527671/]going to die[/url] after [url=http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/45892364/?qo=19&q=by%3Akris-wilson&qh=sort%3Atime+-in%3Ascraps]sleeping with the fish(es)[/url], and the neighbours cat won’t stop meowing.

Yup, that just about covers it.

Damn. Now she’s jumped up on me.

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