
I’ve pretty much already begun to make a few conversions to the video files so people will soon be able to see my “Two Bricks” animation on my website with the eventual likelihood approaching that I haven’t made it into Tropfest.

I’d love to stay positive and be somewhat spirited about it, but something in this is telling me that I’ve got no chance in hell.

Somewhere between all the bad karma I seem to have and the rest of the bullshit that makes my life irritating as all buggery to live in, even though I’m always helping people and sacrificing my crap for others (so really, why the fuck is my karma so bad?), I’m somehow expecting this to be just another in the long line of “yeah right, Leigh”‘s to jump up and punch themselves into my face.

Not a lot I can do about it if my film isn’t selected either.

It doesn’t have the niche they’d be looking after, I guess.

But hmm… I digress.

In that eventuality, which is likely to present itself in the space of 3-5 days more, I should have a web based version for people to watch the film on since — for me — I only ever made this film so that people could see my work.

At least I tried, you know.

Posted in Animation, Life
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