Conditioner as a lubricant

I was having a little shower tonight and as I plan to cut away much of the pubic hairs that grown above and around my friendly member of society, I decided to give them a very good wash.

I normally just bath them daily in whatever shower gel I happen to be washing the rest of my body in… but tonight, I went that extra step and gave my groin the royal treatment.

And not what you’re thinking.

Well, I didn’t intend it to be what you were thinking to begin with.

I shampooed my pubic hair and allowed whatever the hell nutrients that the bottle claims are so vital and important and it has inside to soak inside the thin wiry strands that grow at that pleasure centre of my body.

Then I figured ‘what the hell’ and I got some conditioner and massaged that into my groin.

And wow.

Who the fuck knew that conditioners makes an excel-fucki-lent lubricant.

I mean, shit… I didn’t jack myself off to the conditioner.

But I could’ve. Fuck… it was lubricant that smelled better than the stuff I’ve used AND made my pubes all silky smooth at the same time!

So grab your partner… pull them into the shower… open up that conditioner bottle, slather some on one of your hands, and go for your life. Whether it’s fapping your man away or cutting your girl’s slit a new one, let the conditioner do the talking… you’ll not only feel good, you’ll be silky smooth too!

Posted in ...and Everything, Sex
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