In dreams

I don’t normally dream about sex.

Believe it or not, it’s actually something I don’t dream about.

I’m awake when I’m fantasizing about it or just closing my eyes and thinking or dreaming or being hopeful about it.

But rarely do I actually dream about it.

My dreams usually have more to do with what’s going to happen the next day or strange events or being part of a video game or doing things with friends and usually I can remember them.

On the Friday night to Saturday (or in my case, early Saturday morning to Saturday) dream that just went by (so… yesterday), I dreamed about sex.

What has me puzzled is how I can remember the details.

We were lying in a room with other people. Near the water or a harbour. Possibly on a boat.

A blonde girl was near me. She was either blonde or brunette, the colour isn’t as easy to remember. I’m pretty sure she was a blonde.
She had said to me that she’d read my blog and knew that I was looking for sex. She liked me because of that. Maybe it was because I was direct, I don’t know. She got close to me and started putting her hand down my pants and on my crotch.

I remember she was shapely and hot and had a very pretty face, but I could not describe it for you.
She continued to touch me and people began to leave the room. I imagine it would’ve been one of those dangerous-y public sex things if this had been real.

When everyone had left, she pulled off her pants and wanted me to go down on her. I think I started to and didn’t like the smell and then I woke up.

Someone was calling my mobile and that had woke me up.

The dream is odd for me. I’m not normally someone who will have sexual dreams, let alone ones this vivid where the details keep on coming back to me all throughout the time where I’m awake.

Isn’t it just the luck though that before I can find out who this girl is, someone has to wake me up from my dreams by calling my mobile.

Posted in Sex
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