Not lost, not forgotten, and 24 for only a few more hours.

Changing age is an interesting thing. A funny thing. A curious thing. A weird thing. Not really a sexy thing.

i guess changing age can be seen as "a thing". It's neither good nor bad though I'm sure some would see that another year gone by, another year wasted might be a bad thing.

In the past year, I've met people. I've had fun, seen a lot of things, done a few things, and been about as general and unspecific as I'm being right about now.

It would be safe to say that this year I've done stuff.

And in a few hours, I'll be 25. Time to start the year afresh, not from when the year actually starts – something which is a month and a half away or so – but rather from my year.

What will happen this year? Will I get published, loved, drunk, hated, cared for, smashed with a cream pie, or just given a cup of coffee?

Geeze… for my last blog when I'm 24… I'm really making a lousy time at it. 


But you know what, I don't care. This is my blog so I'll say what I want and fill it with all the useless ramblings of a guy who seems as though he's had his last hit of ecstasy and was surfing the jetstream of a … err… jet.

No blog, what I think I mean to say through all this chaos that is my words, what I mean to say while I wax ridiculously lyrical because it's a Friday afternoon and I'm just about to bugger off from work, what I mean to say is…

I haven't forgotten about you. 

I haven't forgotten about any of you.

There's more crap coming from the life of a cupcake obsessed freak in a hat in a just a few moments.


Christ. I hope it's not all downhill from here.

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