All pills are hard for me to swallow

I've never quite gotten used to the prospect of swallowing a pill. I've never found it easy and the smaller the pill is, the more comfortable I am.

Not that I'm at all comfortable with pill swallowing. Ever.

At the moment, I have the feeling of a chest infection which a doctor has in turn prescribed me with Klacid, pills that aren't big but are too big for me.

I have just discovered how un-useful mixing it with yoghurt can be… because I have tasted the pill.

I maybe now have half of the pill mixing in my belly, my doage of one-and-a-half pills somewhat near the two I'm supposed to have per day.

What's so irritating about this is that at lunch time, I was able to swallow the pill pretty easily. It did feel like a clump was in my throat but other than that, I was fine. Now, the prospect of another clump scares the hell out of me which persuaded me to crush the pill… and now I've tasted it.

I really am curious about something… if pills taste so god awful, why the hell aren't pharmaceutical companies adding a hint of mint or lemon to dull the disgusting flavour just the slightest?

Like this is not fun stuff to take, perish the thought if I ever have to take something bigger.

Seriously, where's my chocolate-fucking-antibiotics?!

Posted in Life
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