iPod Advertising Attack = iPhone Imminent?

While I pass through Oxford St on the way home regularly on my bus, I'm usually too asleep to notice anything.

As a result, I might be a little late with the following information:

Apple have taken put several billboards -and by several, I mean ALL of them – to advertise the Apple iPod.

Now last I checked, the iPod brand already had the biggest market share of mp3 / media players on the street.

You see them everywhere. People with new generation earbuds and people with old generation ones, their white cords tagging along in front of them as if someone were about to silhouette them and make a commercial selling a device starring them.

So unless Apple are pushing for world domination (which they probably are) or a law outlawing the use of any non-Apple media player, a complete buyout of iPod advertising at one of Sydney's most expensive billboard junctions suggests the following:

Apple iPhone imminent.

Deny all you want, Apple. We know the truth. The 3G truth.

Posted in TechnologyTags:
  • Is it me or did this article make you want to buy an iPad?

    3:12 am June 8, 2010 Reply
  • Apple Computers never just produce appliances; they design answers that people can see fitting into their lives eventually. As a university pupil with a bustling life, I reckon this being a very usable thing to have.

    6:11 am June 10, 2010 Reply
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