Oh to be young…

While I was sitting on a train today – a decidedly late train due to my alarm not going off in the intended fashion and causing me to sleep a joyous extra hour – I watched a young couple wander past me looking for that desperate place to situate their bottoms and commemorate the whole "love" thing as much as they could before they were forced to temporarily part ways for the work day ahead.

I'm guessing there mostly. They very well could have been "just friends, lovers no more / just friends, just like before"  as the song goes, but they felt like more.

Walking with an air of confidence that only a young lover has, I watched them and thought to myself "oh to be young again."

At which point I realised that I am young.

And yet I'm not enthralled in the grips of a breathtaking romance nor even the startingly flirty quick fling.

Instead I'm typing a blog entry on a phone.

Anti-climactic isn't it?

Posted in Life
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