Damaged By Sea Water

One of the coolest things about being a technology journalist — specifically a video game and gadget journalist — is that we occasionally get some very cool press kits.

As a gamer, some of these things can really rock. For instance, what I have below was given to us by 2K Games for their new game Bioshock. 

So we have this package. It's not actually "damaged by sea water" as the box proclaims, but it is printed to look like it is. Anyway, we open it up and… 

…see a nicely wrapped packed from the City of Rapture, the city you'll delve into in the game Bioshock… filled with freaky people trying to kill you and big sea diving creatures protecting little girls.

Yeah. These people must have been on some serious fucking drugs when they were coming up with the ideas for it.

Anyway, moving on. You can already see that there's a "record" there: that's the press kit (though I haven't actually checked to see what's on it yet). There's also a guide to the City of Rapture underneath. As well as some…

…mints! Who doesn't like mints… aside for people who are convinced garlic is the supreme lord and commander of the galaxy. So we've got some Rapture mints…

…and some Plasmids. In the game Bioshock, the Plasmids are basically an injection that alters your DNA and lets you shoot electricity and fire and hornets out of your hands.

Yeah, serious fucking drugs there people. I'm guessing. I've got no proof, merely guessing.

So here is a real Plasmid. 

Well, sort of anyway. Sure, it's a pen. But it's cool to have nonetheless. 

I'm going to try to share with you all the cool things like this that work gets through because it's one thing that usually isn't covered by other websites or people in general, and some of this stuff is just too cool to miss. Especially if you're a geek. 

Posted in Games, Work
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