I’ve lost my centre of gravity!

There won't be any jumping jacks from me for a while, or not at least until my body has found its centre of gravity… because I've lost it! MY BRAIN CAN'T FIND IT!!!

Seriously, I probably have an ear infuction, an aer infection… or something to do with a disease in that I can't spell things without attempting a joke on them and somehow that's affecting my sense of balance.

It's been happening since Wednesday. It's not that it's gotten progressively worse each day, but I'm feeling the effects of it more each day and while it's not exactly uncomfortable, feeling like the world is one giant ocean and no matter what you do you're stuck to-ing and fro-ing isn't the most brilliant sensation to be constantly feeling.

But now, my jumping jack routine might have to change to jumping jacks INTO THE WALL… because, well, every step for me is like my brain thinks gravity doesn't exist… and man, is it weird.

But I'm off to see the doc today, hopefully to find out if there really is a jellybean in my head and what the hell it was doing there since I haven't tried snorting one for at least a few years (brains like jellybeaannssss tooo…. pfftttt).

I'm bringing with a notepad and writing a screenplay because, knowing our health departments, by the time I'll have found out if there's either a Coconut or Aniseed bit of sugar in my head, I'll have written my next.. er.. first.. err.. NEW! thriller screenplay. :P


Posted in ...and Everything, Life
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