
After relieving some of that pent-up sexual frustration tonight, I noticed that I wasn’t happy with my body.

I mean geeze… I’ve never really been happy with my body.

And it was with that that I decided I was going to put my dick down and become Billy Blanks’ bitch once more.

The last time I tried to be his Tae Bo tart, I went at it for about a month. I noticed I’d lost around 5 kilos in the first week. It dropped off pretty quickly afterwards. I was barely losing a kilo every two or three weeks thereafter and I shortly gave up… stopped caring… it wasn’t making much of a dent on the flab I wanted to lose and the flab was the primary reason I was doing it.

But here I am again… bitchdom for the Billy Blanks exercise videos. I want to lose the flab. I don’t care about the muscle, I don’t care about the whole well-being thing… but I want my flab gone.

I just pulled off 18 minutes of a 54 minute video. Well… it’s a third. That’s a mediocre start.

What I really need is my own personal Billy Blanks.

Posted in Life, Losing Weight
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