My Brain Hurts

Well that was weird.

I just stood up, and you know how some of us get that dizzy spell when we stand up suddenly?

Well mine just did something I’ve never had happen before.

I stood up, got dizzy, and then started falling towards the ground (or my bed in this case) without having any control over myself. I could hear noise or fuzzy noise by my ears as if the air was rushing by them (even though there was no air, per se) and as I fell, my knees shook and I dropped to the ground with a partially numb and dizzy head.

When I hit the bed, my hands stopped me from crashing face first, but even I knew that was weird. Really weird. Even for me.

As I type this, the numbing feeling in my forehead, the back of my head, my ears and my throat is fading away, but still… I’m used to the dizziness. Never had the falling before. That is definitely new.

Posted in ...and Everything, Life
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