Happy Belated Valentines Day you naughty sluts!

It’s that time of the year again…

Ok… well, it [i]was[/i] that time of the year again. It was what… two days ago? Two days ago was [i]that[/i] time of the year when couples who are cheating on each other walk together holding hands and spend ridiculous sums of money on flowers that will disintegrate in a few days and chocolates that will go straight to your (or their) thighs.

It can only be… Christmas.

Or Valentines Day.

Shit. I don’t know. They’re both so similar these days.

On Valentines Day, you wear red and get presents from your loved ones. At Christmas, a jolly old fat guy who wears red supposedly brings you presents except for that they come from your loved ones.

Same holiday, no Jesus.

Go figure.

Anyway, to celebrate this “holiday”, I’m issuing a two-day late Happy Valentines greeting card that you can use next year. Or this year… if you were too stoned to notice or too broke to see your girlfriend or boyfriend or tranny goldfish, you dirty slut you.

Still, here it is.

[i]Click on the image to see it bigger![/i]

It says…
You only want me so you can stroke my pussy!
(Happy Hallmark Greeting Card Day anyway, you dirty slut you… call me…)

Can you tell I didn’t get laid on Valentines Day? Not even a kiss.

Well.. that’s not quite true. I had kisses on the cheek and such from friends… but no kisses that could be somewhat intimate where the colour red really makes a difference.

Apparently, Valentines Day is the best day to go out if you’re single and you want to pick up. If I’m still single next year (and Christ, knowing my luck… gee, I wonder what the chances are of that [i]he says sarcastically…[/i]) then I’ll certainly be up for throwing this challenge against the wind… whose up for “Let’s Get Leigh Laid” drinks next year if I’m still single?!

Anyone?! Anyone?!

Posted in ...and Everything, Uncategorized
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