When it all catches up…

Rest ye little heart, apt blog reader you… whoever you are… I’ve got some blogs coming your way.

I just had all the exhaustion catch up to me from when I was putting so much work in on the animation.

And a couple of hours ago, I almost collapsed. Good thing it was in my own home, but Stubbsy is testament to the the fact that I was dozing off WAYYY earlier than I normally would have.

And Christ, I’ve been lethargic as all buggery today.

So yeah… I’ve had a bit of a nap… and I expect I’ll probably have to endure a few more of these random-doze-off’s for the next few days before my body returns to normal, or at least its definition of whatever the fuck that is.

I’ll be back with some blogs when I’m awake.

Whenever that is.

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