Random crap at the end of the year!

Before I make another post with more images that no one will really pay attention to, here’s some more random tidbits of crap I’ve found on the Internet in the past week that even less people will pay attention to!

[url=http://nycj.blogspot.com/]New York City looks great[/url] from up above, especially in this New York City someone has made into SimCity 4. Wow. That’s some impressive work there. I want that game file. :P

Follow the pictures and [url=http://www.dforum.de/Technik/softbox/softbox.htm]you too can make a softbox[/url] for your flash head! Actually, it doesn’t look all that bad. It’s more complicated than most of the homemade setups people rig for their flash heads, but it’s probably worth every bit of effort more.

[url=http://www.smh.com.au/news/people/paris-to-party-in-sydney/2006/12/26/1166895280401.html]Paris Hilton has decided to ring in the New Year down under[/url] by being paid for looking pretty and acting like the regular pussy popping party animal the whole world apparently thinks she is. The beer that she’s come down to promote is being called “Bondi Blonde”, which is all well and good but most of the people who live in Bondi (the suburb which I live in) are likely brunettes because of the major Jewish presence.
Further, by bringing the shovel-faced one down, they should probably rename the beer to “Bimbo Blonde” since that has more in common with Paris… yes, she’s blonde and oh yes, she’s the perfect stereotype of a blonde… but it just seems like such an insult to blonde-kind out there.

There are some intelligent blonde people out there. Hell, even the stupid ones aren’t as fucking stupid as Paris.

Sadly, the Paris Hilton name seems to present itself on this blog more often than I’d like. It’s not that she’s easy to make fun of (even though she is), it’s that she keeps being mentioned in the news for being a celebrity… for fuck’s sake… she’s the daughter of someone who actually did something! What the hell did she do, aside for a C-grade porno showing me how bad of a fuck she probably is?!

John Singleton, mate, I hope you’re getting your money’s worth. Paris better be putting out for you and several mates otherwise you’ve just wasted your cash on a beer that should probably be promoted by taste and not on pussy-popping-power.

Also, the RIAA (everyone’s favourite organisation; come on… don’t you just want to give them a big hug!) are suing AllOfMp3.com for… One Million Dollars!!! [b]*end Dr. Evil speech*[/b]

Actually, that’s be pretty light.

Instead, the RIAA (it’s huggles time!!!) [url=http://tech.cybernetnews.com/2006/12/22/allofmp3com-sued-for-165-trillion/]are suing them for 1.65 trillion dollars[/url]. I mean… fuck… that’s a lot of moolah…

And they’re basing this number off of $150,000 per song for each of the 11 million songs that were downloaded over the period from June 2006 to October 2006.

Seriously… $150,000 a song. I guess it’s a good thing that the RIAA doesn’t run their own competitive service to AllOfMp3 or iTunes.

[b]Only $150,000 a song! A steal at that price![/b]

And finally, the random paragraph where I have little to say but still want to link you to things:
A really [url=http://www.pcper.com/article.php?aid=334]nifty and cool essay on ray-tracing and video games[/url] has been published online (good work to you mate; it’s a great read), this guy has [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UGVErE4sTGM&eurl=]more voices in his arsenal than I can pull off[/url] and way too much time to work them out, everyone has a Christmas list (except Jesus)… [url=http://www.techarp.com/showarticle.aspx?artno=375]just not one as complicated as this one[/url], and I’m advising you [url=http://www.pandora.com/]to open Pandora’s Box[/url] right now.

Posted in ...and Everything
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