Paint-Balls (Two separate things)

Remember that ad for a TV made by Sony — the Bravia series — [url=]where a lot of bouncy balls bounced[/url] their bouncy ball butts below the basin of San Francisco (sorry… [url=]I couldn’t think of enough words that began with “B”[/url])?

Well, Sony are back (damnit).

Yes, for the past week or so, an ad has been aired that featured fountains and fireworks of paint. It’s an explosion of colour and really, there’s no other way to describe it.

So I imagine that Bravia, Sony’s current naming scheme of these televisions being advertised, probably hopes to recreate that sense of “an explosion of colour”.

Well, I need a test sample or review sample to really find out.


*tumbleweed rolls by*


Well anyway, upon seeing the ad, I was curious as to how the explosions of paint were done.
I asked Dad and he thought it might have been special effects.

Now, I’m not exactly the best animator out there but this didn’t look or feel to me as a job in CGI or extreme post-production. I mean sure, the colours might have been more heavily saturated in post, but I’m not sure what else could’ve really occurred.

Anyway, [url=]now Sony are telling people how it was done… with actual paint.[/url]

It’s really quite a cool little read and the ad (if you’ve missed it) is on that page for you to watch, too.

Quite a cool idea, but really… I’m glad I wasn’t on the clean-up crew. I’ll get to that in my next post, I guess.

Posted in ...and Everything
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