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RedHotp-p-p… bugger… no p words here…

Poor maybe? Pathetic? Either of those will work. You know what bothers me… services like RedHotPie. Don’t get me wrong, they don’t bother me per…

Fuji Astia FilmCard

It seems that Fujifilm are doing something I actually didn’t anticipate. One of the things that makes the Fuji bodies so damn cool is the…

The Big Clit

I learned something tonight. Tonight, I learned that the female clit (as opposed to the male clit) is actually the element of the human body…

Who does your pussy look like?

I’ve just watched part of a hentai anime called [url=]”Desperate Carnal Housewives”[/url]. It’s a hentai set on the premise of luring 3 hot animated mums…

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