An excerpt from the back cover out of Leigh’s books (which you’ll hopefully read)

While I work on a book or two, it dawns on me that I'll need something somewhat useful on the back cover of the book (or at least the flap) informing the reader about myself.

Because that's what writers do. Apparently.

So realising this, I have today come up with what I would like to use on that back cover (or flap). It follows:


Leigh D. Stark is a curious fellow who speaks with a hybrid Australian-American accent not unlike the Toyota Prius. He also tends to refer to himself in the third person just as he chose to do so when he expressed his desire to write this paragraph. In the end though, logic got the better of him and he attempted to train a hamster he once found in a Toyota Prius to write it for him. Unfortunately, the hamster stole Leigh's date to the prom so Leigh has been forced to write this paragraph himself. He knows the hamster would wish to express his sincere regrets and apologies before being crushed to death in the mouse trap that Leigh left out for him baited with blond women.

Regardless, Leigh speaking from the third person would like to inform the reader that if they quite like the content & written material that they are reading, they can find an almost daily load usually written in the first person at


Feel free to leave your opinions on my excerpt which I will more than likely ignore.  :)

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