Leigh’s New Year’s Resolution 2007

New Year Resolutions are one of those things no one ever really keeps.

Earlier this week I was paying for groceries at Coles and when the cashier asked me if I had FlyBuys — their points card — I replied "No, but I suppose I should make it my New Year's Resolution and get one".

He smiled and kept a laugh inside. I could tell.

But that'll just get thrown under the pile like everything else. All those people who say they'll quit smoking, they'll lose weight, they'll resist the urge not to bludgeon their mother-in-law with something hard and heavy that isn't their cock… all of them will just get tossed aside and thrown under the bed never to be seen again.

But I have come up with a resolution that is entirely unique to me. It's something that I can do.  Sure, it'll be gradual… but isn't that always what it is?

Anyway, my resolution is…

…to stop being mean to myself.

I realised it as I was taking ages to buy my wallet the other day. Sure, it was going to cost me a bit more but I never spend on myself. Only on others. It's not the sort of thing I see myself getting engorged in. I'm not going to impulse buy and get as much as I can… it's just as example. I'll make fun of myself less and I won't tolerate people making fun of me anywhere near as often as it happens.

I'm really sick to death of people throwing insults and jokes every ten seconds at me just because they feel the need to keep themselves secure for some reason or another. It's one thing if I do it because it's me, but for others to do it… it shits me enough for how often it happens.

So I'll do it less to myself. I'll be nicer to myself. Maybe others will follow suit. 

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