…and stuff.

Work is busy.

Irritatingly busy.

So that means when I come home I'm either too tired to write a blog that I flop myself down on my comfy chair and surf the personals which I no longer subscribe to and don't have a chance getting laid on as it is.

Or I flop myself down on my comfy chair and work on the book I was writing not too long ago on the bus I was riding home.

Or I flop myself down in close proximity to a land mine that exists solely in my head and allows me to relax as the deafening silence tries to make its way through my… whatever it is… brain… thingy.

Yup, I know I'm not making sense. Wasn't aware I had to.

In any case, here's some useless crap for you to know that I've been storing from around the web. 

The Polish have an excellent reason to buy an Xbox 360: a mostly naked blonde girl is rubbing herself against one … SO YOU SHOULD GO OUT AND GET ONE! Seriously, I'd need a brunette or a redhead to entice me to go for a system that likes to blow itself up while I play Halo. In fact, a redhead to go with the red ring of death … now that wouldn't be too bad…

Australian breasts are getting bigger. Not right now. It doesn't mean you can just turn around and VOOM! Your girlfriend's breasts have suddenly got 20% bigger. I mean yeah, that might happen but probably only at a surgery of sorts. Anyway, bigger breasts. Not that this drives me as I like a hand-size of breasts. Still, I can't help but to feel a warm fuzzy feeling when I think of this nifty factoid.

Quite possibly the best charity in the history of mankind. Maybe. Sort of. Possibly. Just click on the damned link already. 

A little bit of YouTube love in the form of a romantic affair between Nikon flash heads and yours truly talking about a new Asus lappy… or palmy… or… whatever you want to call it. Eee. Yeah. That's what they call it.

Followed by the really random stuff:

Mmm… slutty Rock Band pieces of plastic, ads for World of Warcraft with William Shatner that don't suck (it's a shame the game does… after playing it for a while), and whoa– a Transformer bitch!

Hopefully more regular blog stuff occurring this week. I have been writing a lot… I just need to type it.

And upload it.

And stuff.

Posted in ...and Everything
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