I’m useless at this crap.

So last week or so I decided to rip a bit of a toe nail off. Boredom. You know. The boredom shebang.

And I noticed over the past couple of days that the area on the side of that toe looks to be getting a bit white and bulbous. Not ridiculously so, but enough for me to notice.

So Dad tells me to use a needle, a flame, and pop it.

So tonight I grabbed the one working cigarette lighter I could find, some needles, and some alcohol swabs.

I swabbed the area and put the needle over the flame.

But I've never been very good at the whole "flame" thing. Hell, it took me over 3 years to learn how to light a cigarette lighter.

So I put it over the thing, but I don't know how well it got sterilised. Should 4 or 5 seconds do it? I couldn't get very long into it before the flame began to burn my alcohol-swab tipped fingers which — since fire burns alcohol quite easily — wasn't very comfortable as you could imagine.

I then poked and prodded and got nowhere, releasing a little bit of blood but no pus as some pain shot through me.

I'm not really sure if I caused more damage than I intended to or whether I got the sucker, but next time it's probably easier if I just see a doctor, even though time lately isn't on my side. 

Posted in Life
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