This blog is rated Nc-17

I was recently informed by a friend that they had banned my site — this blog — from their home because their younger son had found it and surfing it. I'm apparently not exactly the best influence on kids… what with my openness and directness with sex, violence, and other freaky sort of shit.

Anyway, today I found from another place a link for a site that gives your site a classification based off of the USA's movie ratings system…

And I am…

Online Dating

Yup… that doesn't surprise me. You have to be 17 or over to actually visit or read my blog. You can't actually be under 17 and have a parent or guardian nearby to tell you that I'm full of shit… you need to be able to realise it for yourself.

It's nice to know the web isn't as stupid as I'd have normally thought it would be… 

Posted in ...and Everything
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