…yet more random links.

I’m cleaning out my Firefox tabs people. So, this is mostly for my own benefit but you can pay attention to… if you like…

Okay guys. The game’s up. You’re really going to hate this. I mean “guys” when I say “guys”, not the total amount of people reading this. Girls might like it… if you don’t like the following news, please email me immediately so we can… err… work something out.
Anyway, the news is that [url=http://www.theage.com.au/news/national/rare-throat-cancer-linked-to-oral-sex/2007/05/10/1178390469740.html]oral sex is linked to a rare form of throat cancer[/url], which is just great… just bloody brilliant… just what we need… one more reason for girls not to go down on us. As if the dick sucking needs of men weren’t strange enough, now we have to compete with a rare form of cancer just to have our manly pride slobbered all over.
Mind you, it isn’t much to worry over as it’s really unlikely you’ll get this cancer… so don’t stop now… no… no…. YES!!! Wait… was that self-servicing? Bugger. I’m all confused now.

Remember my rant about how stupid NBC are with their decisions on Studio 60 from a few days ago? Well, it appears [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Co0unEdOnpQ&NR=1]I’m not the only one who thinks so[/url].

Look! [url=http://www.cd-wow.biz/detail_results_3.php?product_code=1857283&subcat=pc]It’s C&C 3 for a not-so-ridiculous price![/url] Now, if I could just get paid *cough*AhemYouKnowWhoYouAre*cough* then I might be able to buy it. Seriously people, I’d buy games from Australian stores if we weren’t a nation that jacked up the price because… well… we do. Saving $25-35 on a game (the shipping is free) is always good to do, especially on one where EA cheaped out on what the Special Edition came with. EA getting cheap on quality… geeze… who’da thunk?!

This is cool. Really cool. But only for web developers… so if you’re not a web developer, you’re not only not going to find it cool, you’re going to be left scratching your head as to why it’s so cool. It’s a Lightbox… [url=http://jquery.com/demo/thickbox/]but with better properties[/url]. Very, very cool. I am definitely going to use this on some sites.

Fancy yourself someone who likes business cards? Well there are [url=http://creativebits.org/cool_business_card_designs]some really cool ones[/url] out there. I still like my PostIt! Note one I want to do…

And then there are those randomish links…

A cool site on [url=http://poserforensicartists.com/tutorials/]Forensic art with Poser[/url], I’m going to have to buy myself [url=http://www.cybia.co.uk/landzone.htm]a cool plugin for Poser[/url] that does terrains… it’d be like using Poser for a low-level world generator, and there’s help available if you’re crap with design in [url=http://www.actionscript.org/resources/articles/574/1/Better-Design-and-Development-Part-1/Page1.html]part 1[/url] and [url=http://www.actionscript.org/resources/articles/577/1/Better-Design-and-Development-Part-2/Page1.html]part 2[/url]!

Geeze… my randomish links sucked today. Sucked like a rare throat cancer likes to suck a… err… radiologist off.

I am so far out of the box today, I’ve become a new plane of existence.

Posted in ...and Everything
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