Homebrand Licorice…

…is cheap.

But pretty bloody good.

I was half expecting — and by half expecting I really mean completely expecting — the stuff that has the texture of a sadomasochistic whip with a light aniseed flavour where every time you take a bite, you feel as if you’re biting into the hard leather chaps of the guy who’s laughing at you while the dominatrix over powers your submissive ass.

Yes. Licorice conjures up some really odd thoughts for me.

But still, Homebrand Licorice has a good texture and a good flavour. It, strangely, rivals that of [url=http://www.dlea.com.au/]Darrell Lea[/url] and that Black Rabbit crap (by crap, I mean only nice things!) that we usually buy from K-Mart.

Sure… Dad shouldn’t be buying it and I shouldn’t be eating it… but what are you gonna do?

Send Billy Blanks over to my home?

Go on. I dare you to. I dare you to send Billy Blanks this way.

Posted in ...and Everything
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