I want to fuck Sarah Silverman a little bit less

I now want to fuck Sarah Silverman less than I did in the first place.

Don’t get me wrong, I wouldn’t mind probing her comedic vagina with my comedic Jewish boyhood. I’d still give a no-frills Black & Gold ravaging that only a promiscuous broke Jew like me could give a successful Jewish comedian-actress who’s having sex with Jimmy Kimmel (like her).

But I now want to ravage her a bit less than the last time I made a post about Sarah Silverman (go search it… it’s there).

You see I just watched “The Sarah Silverman Program”. And now, while I still want to fuck Sarah Silverman, I know there’d be some messy foreplay and after-sex talk about how crap that show is and why the hell would she waste her talent being connected to that horrific train wreck piece of shit.

Hold on. I should probably give a little bit of information here just so I don’t lose you.

Posted in ...and Everything
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