Got Random?

My “Got Random?” thingy is a poke at the “Got Milk?” campaigns that plagued the Nineties… you know the Nineties right… ok… you know what a plague is right… and you know what milk is… well… “Got Milk?” … Not ringing any bells? Meh. Nevermind.

Anyway, here are some random tidbits of useless crap you might want to know (and even if you don’t, chances are you’re already stuck into reading my blog right now and you just don’t want to give up… perhaps out of fear that your Uncle might come and stab you with a really, really sharp carrot… or maybe you like my writing “style”… who knows really)… RANDOM CRAP:


* Some of the [url=]weirdest and rarest GameBoys[/url] can now be seen in one place. I linked you to that place. That underlined bit in this paragraph. That’s the link. Duh.

* I’m downloading more porn! Why? Who knows?! You think that with the amount I already have, downloading more would be a moot point… but who can say!

* Italy have gone and beaten the rest of the world and [url=]done something really responsible[/url] (oh yeah… now you HAVE to click on the link to find out what it is…)

* I just finished my last piece of slightly-sugared-pineapple-and-paw-paw! I don’t call them dried, even though everyone else probably sticks them in the same category. They’re not dried. They might be slightly dehydrated, but they’re by no means dried. They’re somewhat candied, but not fully so — to me — they’re “slightly-sugared” followed by the fruit.

* Bill Gates [url=]went onto The Daily Show and you should watch it[/url] as it’s pretty funny. Or you should watch it and throw a cream-pie at it (the pastry kind): it’ll be just like simulating the whole cream-pie thingy that people… do… or did… one of them. Sure, you’ll have to clean up afterwards, but that’s the price of stress relieving.

* My Dad has fallen asleep

* The product which Mr. Gates is on The Daily Show for, Windows Vista, breaks stuff already. [url=]Ninety percent of games-stuff[/url], it seems. Yeah. Go Microsoft. Reinventing Windows ME all over again.

* It’s that time of the year where my room begins to smell like ass. It’s done this ever since I moved in. It comes around the same part of the year and it makes me wonder whether my room is built on the graves of angry gastro sufferers or something. I mean hell… that makes sense, right?

Posted in ...and Everything
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