They say devils hands are the devils playthings. Well, if that’s the case then the red-horned Hellboy who lives way down under (even further than Australia) has got me working overtime with all the crap I do.

It’s all to keep me entertained or so I tell myself, while everyone else seems to think it’s just cool to put on my CV. Sheesh, if they only knew.

SackBoy Lives Here!SackBoy Lives Here!

SackBoy Lives Here! is an art project I’ve set up with only one purpose: to make people smile.

The idea is simple: I take photos of SackBoy exploring this world with things piquing his curiosity. The idea for the project is to go for a year and to hopefully release a coffee table book where all the proceeds go to a charity like Child’s Play.

You can find more information about SackBoy Lives Here! at its website.

The Gadget GrillThe Gadget Grill

The Gadget Grill is one of Sydney’s only local technology radio shows which broadcasts live from Sydney, Australia on 88.1 2RDJ and streams to the web, as well as being available in podcast form.

The show is hosted by me and my Dad and is all about breaking down technology – as well as relating technology – to the average person. This means we look at tech, toys, games, gadgets, and all manner of bits with circuit boards and bits.

Mixing music, humour, news, and a ton of fun, The Gadget Grill is unlike any other show out there.

To find out more about The Gadget Grill, check out its website.