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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-12-27

Say I have an entertaining porn script (go on, say it), who do I submit it to? I'm in Australia. Any help would be loved….

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-12-20

Mmm… Chadwick Christmas Party this week. Sounds like a perfect opportunity for @sackboylives # Agh. Need to work out how I'm going to send these…

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-12-13

I've just eaten a pomegranate… but seriously… what the hell is it? Is it a fleshy nut? Or a deranged psycho fruit? # The dip…

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-12-06

Editing the podcast on the way home from the station. # 01. # Really wants to "flitter" with the @sackboylives account. But not…

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