Woohoo! I’ve got my blog working again!

Over the past few months, some things have happened.

First is that I no longer have a girlfriend. Long story short, we’re apparently not compatible so after all that, I’m pretty good.

Another is that I’m now a proper freelancer… which is weird to say the least.

Then there are the ridiculous amount of projects I’ve undertaken for myself, most of which are designed to make people smile. I’ll get to them shortly.

But in case you’ve been tuning in to see the weird-ass writing style of one Leigh :) Stark, you’ve probably been saddened to find the blog not updated. Well, that was mostly due to a glitch I kept running into that stopped me from using parts of the blog within the WordPress version I was running.

After some tweaking tonight with WordPress, plugins (usually the root of problems any WP user will suffer), and some effort, that looks like it’s fixed and I can start blogging again!


So the other part of this is this: I’ve started to redesign my blog well & truly. The new design is based off of something you can go get at Elegant Themes, but I’ll be attempting to make it truly unique (or hoping to) as the days roll on by. And if not unique, then definitely me.

I’m back, ya’ll.

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