Sex with a venom gland

I went to the dentist today to have my teeth cleaned and in looking at my teeth, Dr. Fung found that I have two canine teeth on my left side.

Apparently I'm unique. It's some rarity to have an extra canine or something.

This is weird because when I was younger and growing, I thought the extra tooth was a venom gland or something and I can remember being really excited over the prospect of a venom gland in my mouth.

So Dr. Fung noted that I'd need massive glands in my neck to have the, you know… err… venom on it.

At which point I realised that having a girl would prove a bit difficult if I did have a venom gland. You know, it'd be like "oh hi, we can do shit but don't mind me if I go nibbling on your neck. You might die or paralysis… but yeah, I'm so worth it…"

So Dr. Fung suggested that some girls might be inclined to do it.

Particularly the suicidal ones.

It then dawned on me that girls who have a death wish and want to sleep with a  venom loaded guy?

Shit, that's like a one night stand with manslaughter charges. 

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